miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014


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Can is a modal auxiliary verb. We use can to:

  • talk about possibility and ability,
  • make requests,
  • ask for or give permission.

Structure of Can

                                      subject + can + main verb

The main verb is always the bare infinitive (infinitive without "to").
Notice that:

  • Can is invariable. There is only one form of can.
  • The main verb is always the bare infinitive. We cannot say: I can to play the piano

Use of Can

We use can and can’t :

  • To talk about ability: Tom can speak two languages; I can’t dance, but my brother can.

  • To say that something is possible or impossible:
                   Learning Russian can be difficult [= Learning Russian is sometimes difficult.]
                   Children can be very naughty [= Children are sometimes very naughty.]
                   It’s still light. It can’t be bedtime.  
  • For requests and refusals of requests
                 Can I open the window  now?
                 You can open the window whenever you like.
                 You can borrow the motorbike today, but you can’t have it tomorrow.

  • To offer to help someone:
                Can I help you?
               Can I carry that bag for you?





This is a short video (3 minutes with very good examples)

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