viernes, 17 de enero de 2014


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Idioms are expressions with a meaning that is not literal. They don't always follow the usual language pattern.

An idiom is a phrase where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words, which can make idioms hard for students.

Here you have some examples:

It's raining cats and dogs.......  It's raining very heavily

Go the extra mile..... Going all the way to get it done

It's a small world... You frequiently see the same people in different places

Apple on my eye....Someone sho is the favourite among the others

Back to square one... Having to start all over again.

Mum's the word....To say nothing. To keep quiet

Under the weather... Feeling unwell or sick

Catch red-handed... To catch someone in the act of doing something wrong

Cost and arm and a leg...Expensive, cost too much money

Fingers crossed... Hope or wish for good luck

A blessing in disguise... Something good that is not recognized at first.

A Leopard can't change his spots... You cannot change who you are 

A taste of your own medicine... You are mistreated the same way you mistreat others

All in the same boat... Everyone is facing the same challenges.

Beating around the bush... Avoiding the main topic and not speaking directly about it

Now watch this video to learn all those idioms:


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