miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014


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When a countable noun refers to two or more things you have to use the plural form of the noun.


Plurals are generally creatid by adding an "s" to make a plural noun:
book > books; school > schools; friend > friends
You need to add -es to nouns ending in –ss; -ch; -s; -sh; -x
class > classes; watch > watches; gas > gases; wish > wishes; box > boxes
When a noun ends in a consonant and -y we make the plural in -ies...
lady > ladies; country > countries; party > parties
…but if a noun ends in a vowel and -y simply add -s:
boy > boys; day > days; play > plays

But there are exceptions: IRREGULAR PLURALS

Irregular nouns do not follow the previous rules. These are the most common:
Woman   Women 
Man   Men
Child  Children
Foot  Feet

Tooth  Teeth

And some more irregular plurals..
Sheep Sheep (no change)
Mouse Mice




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