miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Countable and unconuntable nouns

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A countable noun can have a number in front of it and can be plural 5 months, 5 trees, 1 pig,

An unconuntable noun cannot have a number in front of it and ther is no plural form: money, oil, water.


Use with undefinite article: A/N

You can use a contable noun with A/An the first time you use that noun. There is a handsome man on the beach.

Use with definite article: The

You can use it when the listener already knows what you are referring to: The handsome man is singing.

Use a plural countable noun with no article when you speak in general. I don't like children


NO UNDEFINITE ARTICLES, if you mean all or any of that thing. I don't need help.

With definite article "the" when you are talking about an example: Thanks for the help you gave me.


Countable.... HOW MANY   ?  How many apples do you have?
Uncountable.... HOW MUCH  ? How much money do you need?






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